Breeding for Photosynthesis

Waar: Hotel De Nieuwe Wereld, Wageningen

17 januari 2025 om 13:00

Breeding for Photosynthesis

13:00 – 13:30: Inloop
13:30 – 14:30:  Mauricio Tejera-Nieves (Jan IngenHousz Institute)
“Improving photosynthesis efficiency to boost food production”
14:30 – 15:30: Koffie en thee
15:30 – 16:30:  Mark Aarts (Laboratory of Genetics, WUR)
“Genetic analysis of photosynthesis efficiency; clues for breeding for improved yield?
16:30 – 16:45: Mededelingen
Register yourself officially as member of the Study Group
If you have not recently done so, please register yourself as a member of the Study Group. Filling-in your e-mail address (and preferably a back-up e-mail address) is important so we can reach you with news and invitations from the Study Group. Also you can arrange payment: preferably by allowing direct debit (15 euros per year), that will be executed later this month, but yearly payment through iDeal (18 euros per year) is also possible.
You can register as a member through this link and QR code:

Non-members are welcome to join occasionally!
Voor meer informatie:  Jan-Kees Goud
Telefoon:  [rooster_phone]